Let’s get your LinkedIn ads into fighting shape.

I create punchy LinkedIn ads and landing pages for SaaS. 

Round #1: I’ll position your product clearly. Cut the fluff.

Round #2: I’ll tell an engaging brand story. Includes compelling hooks, taglines and visual direction.

That’s how you can resonate with prospects in their LinkedIn feed.

Image of woman kicking

Everyone tells you to run ads that aren’t boring.

No-one tells you how.

Which leads to this situation… ↓


Your leads don’t always get what your product does.

They say: “Oh we’re already using a solution like this.”

Not realizing that your product is a million times different. 🫠


You’ve tried to make LinkedIn ads sound more human, more engaging.

But still see low CTR.


When you see fun B2B posts on LinkedIn – you wonder:

“How could we do more of that?”

You crave fresh ad creative that stands out.

I have this sh*t down to a science.

Punchy ad strategy in 3-rounds.

1) I'll mould your clear product positioning. From important insights.

I’ll simplify your product’s value ruthlessly. Research methods include:

  • Team positioning workshops
  • Competitor audit and gap analysis
  • Campaign Manager audit
  • Voice-of-Customer research

Until your positioning is concise. So we can write ads that get to the freakin’ point. 🤠

2) I'll develop your entertaining brand story.

    I’ll use my fresh perspective to create your Unique Brand Messaging Playbook.

    This is an actionable framework for your team, that clarifies:

    • Your clear product messaging
    • Strong point-of-view
    • Unique brand voice
    • Sticky Voice-of-Customer quotes

    So you can tell a story that sticks.

    3) I'll execute on clear copy and visual direction.

      You’ll get:

      • Ad headlines, intro copy, etc.
        • Clear product explanations
        • Engaging tone-of-voice
        • 5 A/B test variants
      • Figma wireframes with creative direction for your designer.
      • 30-day check-in from me to measure performance. And iterate from there.

      ❌ This isn’t just “cool ads.”

      ☑️ It’s an investment into your differentiated GTM.


      LinkedIn ad campaign

      3 weeks

      Heavyweight Glory Package


      Unique Brand Messaging Playbook


      Clear product positioning canvas


      Team deep-dive workshops


      Ad and landing page copy


      5 A/B test variations (per ad)


      Voice-of-Customer analysis


      5 competitor funnel audits


      3 customer interviews


      Past ad campaign audit


      Figma design wireframes


      Starts at 3k USD

      ⏱ Story time:

      How I positioned a complex software – with a clear, compelling voice.

      This was one of the most complex products I’ve written for.

      This database interface was going-to-market with an unclear value proposition: “We help you manage data.”

      I needed to write clear copy that explained the capabilities in a *specific* way. While differentiating against Airtable.

      So I ran multiple types of research to minimize bias:

      • 12 ICP interviews 
      • 3 client interviews
      • 4 message testing sessions 
      • Voice-of-Customer meta-analysis on Reddit, Hacker News, dev tool forums, etc
      • 6 competitor audits

      That’s when I got the gems. During a Zoom call interview, an ICP casually dropped an interesting phrase:

      “This tool can help me slice and dice and filter and chop my data.” 🔪

      What a vivid image! I used it in the copy.

      The final landing page copy was rated 4.7/5 for clarity in message tests by ideal prospects. Hurrah. 😸

      “My team now feels much more confident on how we can talk about our product to others.”
      – Kriti Godey, founder of Mathesar

      Let's jump into the ring! Round 1 = a 15-min call with Myra. 🥊

      Ads that stand TF out. (Produced by cardio highs. Daily meditation. And perfectionist tendencies. 💁🏻‍♀️✨)

      Myra did a powerful competitor analysis, she spotted patterns and opportunities. Loved this so much.

      Then she took my brand voice and worked her magic to bring out the right balance of disruptive tone and useful messaging for my audience.

      She’s great at what she does, delivers value and fun to work with.”

      — Vinay Parmar, founder of Dhruva Star

      Myra’s a performance-minded copywriter.

      We needed help to increase our conversion rate. Myra isn’t from our financial industry – but she asked all the right questions. She researched to find out who our customer really was.

      Myra was responsive, proactive and delivered quality work.”

      — Benji Litonjua, marketing manager at GetGoing

      Myra changed my copy into a more engaging read. Amazing!

      She’s professional, skilful, comfortable. Myra makes everything clear and simple without being too complex. Just at the right level.”

      — Millicent Stephenson, founder of TFMM

